Anggota Gratis
PT. Java Royale
Info Perusahaan
Katalog Produk (48)
6.5 in x60....
6 in x40 twenty....
6 in x40 twenty....
7 in x50 twenty....
7 in x50 twenty....
6.5 in x60....
6.5 in x60....
6 in x40 twelve....
6 in x40 twelve....
7 in x50 twelve....
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Katalog Produk
7 in x50 six sticks pack teak box SECO - CHURCHILL 7 inches length x 50 ring size
[8 Nov. 2011, 3:29:35]
Rp.369,000/- per batik refill pack of 6 cigars
Jumlah Pesanan:
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Cara Pembayaran
Transfer Bank (T/T)
Kemas & Pengiriman
Teak Box - isi 6 (contains 6 sticks)
Negara Asal
Purros Seco � is the premium hand rolled stronger tasting range of the Java Royale cigar series. These are made exactly like the Ligero series except that hand-picked Seco leaves from Brazilian tobacco plants are imported to blend into the filler of the cigar. The resulting is a strong, aromatic cigar with an excellent and even draw.
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menampilkan 15 dari 48 |
Sebelum : 6 in x40 six sticks pack....
Berikut : 7 in x50 six sticks pack....
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