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PT. Global Nuansa Mandiri Investasi
PT. Global Nuansa Mandiri Investasi
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Tn. Joni
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Jl. Raya Lenteng Agung No. 15
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Katalog Produk

ECG 3 Channels
HargaTergantung Type
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T)
Kemas & PengirimanUnit
Negara AsalChina
Kenalkan ke teman Anda
" Features

à Printed by 1+ 1 rhythm lead
à Automatic measurement and analysis of common ECG parameters.
à Digital isolation technology is for minimizing component drift v/ s time& temperature to guarantee high-adaptability of the equipment to the environment.
à Digital signal processor for effective inhibition of baseline drift, AC interference filter, EMG interference filter and the heart rate, to guarantee the authenticity and dependability.
à With function of rhythm lead for observing abnormal ECG waveform & heart rate, Automatic Measurement and Interpretation of ECG waveform to relieve doctors from strain.
à Roll recording paper for digital ECG is 63mm in width, can simultaneously show 12 lead waveforms and print out three real time lead waveforms.
à Built-in RS232 interface, USB interface is optional.
à Concept of floating input circuit meets IEC safety standard.
à Supported by AC/ Rechargeable battery for continuous examination whenever necessary. For battery operation, ECG is equipped with a battery charger and a system for battery capacity management and protection.


Lead: Standard 12 Leads
Acquisition Mode: Simultaneously 12 leads acquisition
Record Mode: manual mode, auto mode1, auto mode2, auto mode3
Filter: AC filter; EMG filter
CMRR: > 100dB ( with filter)
Input Circuit: floating input circuit, with protection circuit against defibrillation
Input loop Current: d0.1¼ A
Input Impedance: e2.5M©
Patient Current Leakage:  10¼ A
Calibrating Voltage: 1mV± 2
Skin Voltage Tolerance: ± 500mV
Time Constant: e3.2s
Frequency Response: 0.05^ 150Hz( -3dB)
Noise Level:  15¼ Vp-p
Sensitivity Threshold: d20¼ V
Inter-channel Interference: d0.5mm
Paper Speed: 25 50mm/ s ± 3
Sensitivity: AUTO 2.5 5 10 20mm/ mV
Recording System: Thermal-array System
Recording Paper Specifications: 63mmx30mm Roll Paper
LCD: 192Ã 64 LCD, Display waveform, Chinese and English menu and working status
Safety Standard: GB9706.1-1995, IEC class I, type CF
Power Supply: AC: 220V / 110V, 50/ 60Hz, 30VA
DC: 14.4V ( 2000mAh) rechargeable battery
Fuse Specification: AC time lag: T500mA/ 125V ( 110V) ;
T400mA / 250V ( 220v) ;
DC time lag: T2A/ 250V; ( 110-230V) ;
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