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What is AVerPen?
Ever imagine it would be possible to combine Interactive Whiteboard, Wireless Slate and Student Response System features into one complete, yet affordable solution? Imagination is now reality with AVerPen, a true 21st Century Classroom solution that combines the intuitive features of existing Interactive White Board technologies into a mobile, collaborative learning solution to stimulate teacher, student and group engagement and immediate feedback. All from virtually any surface in the room!
AVerPen was developed to further interactivity between teacher and student or student groups while providing innovative new tools combined in an easy-to-use and highly mobile product. Each student or group will learn, collaborate and problem-solve together, while the built-in Group Response System provides immediate assessment. Imagine the ability to equip two or more classrooms with a full 21st Century interactive solution for the average cost of purchasing and installing a single Interactive Whiteboard!
Teacher pens are able to control all features as well as activate, limit, or expand student pen functions, and since the pens function on virtually any surface, mobility is greatly increased by eliminating the need to use a static board or carry a bulky state.
All AVerPen and AVerVision Document Camera features are wrapped with one easy to use software tool, eliminating the need for training and support of multiple solutions from multiple vendors.
Say goodbye to board calibration, bulky slates, static teaching and constant whole-class instruction! Teach Anywhere, Learn Everywhere with AVerPen!
Features :
- Powerful AVer+ Software
AVerPen comes with the ALL NEW AVer+ software! This tool allows users to create projects using full annotation capability, image capture, video recording, multimedia importing, and more. Users can even share work with other AVer+ users in real-time through a school LAN!
- Project Tools
Users can save images, video, screen captures, and annotations as a Project file. Saved Project files can be exported into various formats such as images, HTML, or PDF files.
- Multiple Concurrent Users
AVerPen fosters greater engagement by empowering the teacher and multiple student groups to interact with lesson material at the same time. Up to 6 student pens and one teacher pen can interact at one time while up to 60 student pens can be registered to a single teacher pen.
- Virtual Transparency Mode
Annotate over other programs such as web pages, images, PDF documents, and more.
- Split screen
Arrange your screen in multiple configurations from one large screen, up to 6 independent screens. Each user can then work in separate areas simultaneously without overrunning other users� work.
- Integration with AVerVision Document Cameras
Display and control live images of documents, 3-D objects, microscope views, transparencies, slides, and more in AVer+ .
- Group Response System
With the built-in answer selection keypad on each pen, formative assessment is a breeze and results are tabulated on the screen immediately.
* * Detail produk, brosur dan informasi lainnya silakan kunjungi www.visitelecom.asia * *
Contact Us :
Email : marketing@ visitelecom.asia
Tel : 021-56964145, 56167000 fax : + 6221 29930888
SMS : 0815-84670000